Parameters for Efficient Solar Charging using the SC-2030

Due to recent server update, this tool is broken. Please contact us with your battery info – either thru the Contact page or by emailing bogart at bogartengineering dot com

Parameters for all lithium LFP batteries:
Set “Absorb” voltage P1 = 14.4 Volts.
Set “Absorb current before float P2 = 2.0%
Set “Capacity” P3 = capacity of the battery bank.
Set User Level in P7 to L3
Set “Max Absorb time” P14 = 0.3 hours.
Set Finish Stage voltage P15 = 13.2 volts (not used for charging lithium batteries).
Set “float voltage” P16 = 13.2 volts.
Set Overcharge % P20 to 0%
Set ‘Finish stage current limit’ P21 to 0%
If you’re not running the latest firmware on the TM-2030 and SC-2030 (ver. 3.0 & ver. 4 respectively), disconnect the battery temperature sensor from the SC-2030. If you are running the latest firmware, you may use the temperature sensor and set parameter P22 to specify the temperature below which you don’t want your lithium batteries to be charged.

Parameter P8 is for setting the highest value the battery voltage can reach during charging. We have provided this feature as a means to avoid excessive voltages that any DC device like an inverter may experience. This parameter is unrelated to the charging process and must be set 0.5V higher than the highest value in a charging profile (usually P15).

When installing new batteries, the power to the TM-2030 Battery Monitor may be interrupted. Once repowered, the Trimetric monitor will display “- – -” for % Full.This is normal behavior. Once the batteries are are charged until the setpoint set in P1 (and , optionally P2) is met, the battery monitor will will flash its Charging LED and will reset itself to 100% once the current goes negative (charging has stopped). For more information on each charging parameter, refer to the SC-2030 Technical Manual.

Important! Battery charging recommendations provided on the Bogart Engineering website, including the charge parameter calculator and SC-2030 instructions, as well as contained in Trimetric TM-2030 firmware and instructions, are based on data directly obtained from the battery manufacturer. Charging recommendations are subject to change without notice, and Bogart Engineering makes no guarantee of the accuracy of this information.

We suggest that any battery charging information located on be verified by contacting the battery manufacturer directly.